38 resultados para Animais - Pesquisa científica

em SAPIENTIA - Universidade do Algarve - Portugal


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertação de mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Dissertação mest., Engenharia Biológica, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Tese de dout., Arqueologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Dissertação mest., Arqueologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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No presente artigo pretendo documentar as diferentes posições assumidas pelos dois fundadores do movimento etnográfico português, Teófilo Braga (1843-1924) e Adolfo Coelho (1847-1919), face ao trabalho de investigação e recolha de contos populares alemães realizado pelos Irmãos Grimm. Ao longo da sua obra, Teófilo Braga testemunhou repetidamente uma enorme admiração pelos Irmãos Grimm, muito em especial por Jacob, cujo exemplo procurou seguir. Teófilo Braga orientou-se na sua pesquisa pelas teses dos Irmãos Grimm, nomeadamente, pela tese da génese mítica dos contos, e concebeu a sua colecção de contos populares portugueses como recolha etnográfica e livro infantil, na esteira dos Kinder- undHausmärchen. A relação de Adolfo Coelho com a obra dos Grimm revela-se bem mais distanciada que a de Teófilo Braga. Adolfo Coelho leu criticamente os principais estudos e recolhas dos dois filólogos alemães, avaliou-os à luz das mais recentes teorias e optou pela publicação em separado de duas colecçõesde contos populares portugueses uma mais "científica" e uma outra destinada à leitura por crianças. Curiosa é também a resistência de Adolfo Coelho à tradução de contos da colecção dos Irmãos Grimm para língua portuguesa, que, a seu ver, poderia ser nociva, pois facilitaria a contaminação dos contos populares nacionais.


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As preocupações médicas com o equilíbrio alimentar remontam à Antiguidade, mas apenas a partir do século XVII o assunto começou a ser questionado de modo mais científico e preciso. Dois médicos holandeses de renome, Luís Nunes (1553-1645) e Willem Piso (1611-1678), estudaram esta questão e legaram-nos tratados de inquestionável relevância historiográfica. Destacamos, em particular, Ichtyophagia sive de piscium esu commentarius (“Ictiofagia ou comentário sobre uma alimentação piscívora”, Antuérpia, 1616) e De Indiae utriusque re naturali et medica. Libri quatuordecim (“Sobre a Índia e sua história natural e médica”, Amesterdão, 1658). A defesa de uma dieta que inclua o consumo de peixe é transversal aos dois textos, pois ambos fundam um discurso inaugural em defesa de hábitos alimentares equilibrados numa época de profundas mudanças históricas e culturais impostas pelo contacto com as realidades do exótico Novo Mundo. Esta influência é sobretudo evidente na obra de Piso, especialmente nas suas descrições de espécies de peixes endémicas do Brasil.


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No livro IV das Geórgicas, afamado poema didáctico de Virgílio, é descrita a vida das abelhas, apontadas como modelo de organização social e destacando-se a sua dedicação ao bem comum. O tópico tornou-se num dos paradigmas literários da Antiguidade, tendo sido repetidamente retomado, por exemplo nas obras de poetas didácticos modernos, quer europeus, quer do Novo Mundo. Referimo-nos especificamente ao poema Praedium rusticum (Toulose, 1730), do escritor inaciano francês Jacques Vanière, que aborda a sociedade das abelhas (Apes) no livro XIV, e a Rusticatio mexicana (Modena, 1781; Bolonha, 1782), do jesuíta guatemalteco Rafael Landívar, cujo livro VI descreve a sociedade dos castores (Fibri), procurando emular a obra Vanière. Na sociedade colectiva de Vanière não existe riqueza privada e cada abelha se dedica à tarefa que prefere. Em vez da ganância e do ódio prevalecem a generosidade e o amor. Na res publica dos castores, por seu lado, tal como a apresenta Landívar, existe divisão das tarefas a desempenhar e um forte sentido de comunidade. Os castores são felizes no seu trabalho, altamente inteligentes, nobres, amantes da paz e igualmente libertos de sentimentos como o ódio, a vingança e outras preocupações mais profundas. Esta comunicação pretende avaliar o modo como são apresentadas nestes textos concepções políticas e sociais que, embora procurem adaptar e integrar os ideais do Iluminismo, seguem na esteira do modelo literário virgiliano.


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It is widely recognized that protein restriction in utero may cause metabolic and endocrine adaptations, which may be of benefit to the neonate on a short-term basis but may cause adverse long-term conditions such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Adequate foetal and early post natal nutrient and energy supply is therefore essential for adult animal health, performance and life span. In this project it was investigated the progressive adaptations of the hepatic proteome in male mink offspring exposed to either a low protein (FL) or an adequate protein (FA) diet in utero fed either on a low protein (LP) or on an adequate (AP) diet from weaning until sexual maturity. Specifically, the aim was to determine the metabolic adaptations at selected phases of the animal’s first annual cycle and establish the metabolic priorities occurring during those phases. The three different morphological stages studied during the first year of development included, end of bone growth at 4 months of age, maximal fat accretion at 6 months of age and sexual maturity at 12 months of age. A reference proteome of mink liver coming from these different animal groups were generated using 2D electrophoresis coupled to MALDI-TOF analysis and the way in which dietary treatment affect their proteome was established. Approximately 330 proteins were detected in the mink liver proteome. A total of 27 comparisons were carried out between all different animal groups which resulted in 20 differentially expressed proteins. An extensive survey was conducted towards the characterization of these proteins including their subcellular localization, the biological processes in which they are involved and their molecular functions. This characterization allowed the identification of proteins in various processes including the glycolysis and fatty acid metabolism. The detailed analysis of the different dietary treatment animal groups was indicative of differences in metabolism and also to changes associated with development in mink.


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The European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, is one of the most important marine species cultivated in Southern Europe and has not benefited from selective breeding. One of the major goals in the sea bass (D. labrax) aquaculture industry is to understand and control the complexity of growth associated traits. The aim of the methodology developed for the studies reported in the thesis was not only to establish genetic and genomic resources for sea bass, but to also develop a conceptual strategy to efficiently create knowledge in a research environment that can easily be transferred to the aquaculture industry. The strategy involved; i) establishing an annotated sea bass transcriptome and then using it to, ii) identify new genetic markers for target QTL regions so that, iii) new QTL analysis could be performed and marker based resolution of the DNA regions of interest increased, and then iv) to merge the linkage map and the physical map in order to map the QTL confidence intervals to the sea bass genome and identify genes underlying the targeted traits. Finally to test if genes in the QTL regions that are candidates for divergent growth phenotypes have modified patterns of transcription that reflects the modified whole organism physiology SuperSAGE-SOLiD4 gene expression was used with sea bass with high growth heterogeneity. The SuperSAGE contributed to significantly increase the transcriptome information for sea bass muscle, brain and liver and also led to the identification of putative candidate genes lying in the genomic region of growth related QTL. Lastly all differentially expressed transcripts in brain, liver and muscle of the European sea bass with divergent specific growth rates were mapped to gene pathways and networks and the regulatory pathways most affected identified and established the tissue specific changes underlying the divergent SGR. Owing to the importance of European sea bass to Mediterranean aquaculture and the developed genomics resources from the present thesis and from other studies it should be possible to implement genetic selection programs using marker assisted selection.


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The objective of this thesis is to study the properties of resistive switching effect based on bistable resistive memory which is fabricated in the form of Al2O3/polymer diodes and to contribute to the elucidation of resistive switching mechanisms. Resistive memories were characterized using a variety of electrical techniques, including current-voltage measurements, small-signal impedance, and electrical noise based techniques. All the measurements were carried out over a large temperature range. Fast voltage ramps were used to elucidate the dynamic response of the memory to rapid varying electric fields. The temperature dependence of the current provided insight into the role of trapped charges in resistive switching. The analysis of fast current fluctuations using electric noise techniques contributed to the elucidation of the kinetics involved in filament formation/rupture, the filament size and correspondent current capabilities. The results reported in this thesis provide insight into a number of issues namely: (i) The fundamental limitations on the speed of operation of a bi-layer resistive memory are the time and voltage dependences of the switch-on mechanism. (ii) The results explain the wide spread in switching times reported in the literature and the apparently anomalous behaviour of the high conductance state namely the disappearance of the negative differential resistance region at high voltage scan rates which is commonly attributed to a “dead time” phenomenon which had remained elusive since it was first reported in the ‘60s. (iii) Assuming that the current is filamentary, Comsol simulations were performed and used to explain the observed dynamic properties of the current-voltage characteristics. Furthermore, the simulations suggest that filaments can interact with each other. (iv) The current-voltage characteristics have been studied as a function of temperature. The findings indicate that creation and annihilation of filaments is controlled by filling and neutralizing traps localized at the oxide/polymer interface. (v) Resistive switching was also studied in small-molecule OLEDs. It was shown that the degradation that leads to a loss of light output during operation is caused by the presence of a resistive switching layer. A diagnostic tool that predicts premature failure of OLEDs was devised and proposed. Resistive switching is a property of oxides. These layers can grow in a number of devices including, organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), spin-valve transistors and photovoltaic devices fabricated in different types of material. Under strong electric fields the oxides can undergo dielectric breakdown and become resistive switching layers. Resistive switching strongly modifies the charge injection causing a number of deleterious effects and eventually device failure. In this respect the findings in this thesis are relevant to understand reliability issues in devices across a very broad field.


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Neste estudo analisaram-se duas séries de manuais escolares de duas editoras (oito manuais) de forma a conhecer como são apresentados os temas Animais e Plantas. Com a sua análise qualitativa e quantitativa, pretendeu-se conhecer que conteúdos são mais valorizados nos livros escolares, que exemplos são apresentados e a relevância de imagens, relativos a animais e plantas. Relativamente aos conteúdos analisados verificou-se uma ligeira valorização dos animais sobre as plantas em ambas as editoras. De entre as categorias definidas distinguem-se com maior domínio a Classificação, a Nutrição e as Utilidades, sendo que cada uma das editoras valoriza de modo diferente os dois temas. Também o número de imagens é bastante assimétrico entre as editoras já que na editora A o número de imagens de plantas e animais é semelhante e a editora B apresenta aproximadamente o dobro de imagens de plantas relativamente aos animais. O número de exemplos apresentados sobre as plantas também supera os exemplos sobre os animais.


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Tese de douoramento, Psicologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biotecnológicas (Biotecnologia Alimentar), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Turismo, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015